Saturday, February 14, 2009

Author, RD Larson

Some people come into your life, stay for a while then leave. Others come and linger in your heart. That's what RD Larson has done with me so it's with great pleasure I introduce you to author, RD Larson. RD is a true artist. She works her craft with abandon and loves what she does. She makes no excuses and lives the life. I hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as I have.
An Interview with Author, RD Larson
SMW: Do you believe that truth is stranger than fiction?
RD Larson: No, I think science fiction is stranger than truth. I also think that strangers are not truthful and sometimes they are fiction-type characters.

SMW: When do you find writing is easiest, in the morning or in the evening? And, why?
RD Larson: I write mostly at night, after ten, when I'm very conscious of images in my mind and lurking in the forests of my dreams. In the morning I answer emails and do rewrites. In the afternoons I do research and "tweaking" for my stories.

SMW: How do you feel this economy will affect the publishing industry in the next five years?
RD Larson: I actually think more people will use their hand-helds, like mini-computers and cell phones to read short stories or chapters. It's easier and it's instant. The reader doesn't have to wait for the book to arrive by carrier pigeon or drive to the library. I like to think it's a straight shot from the mind of the author to the mind of the reader. They have a contract. The writer promises to write the best story he/she can; the reader promise to open his/her mind to the story, put belief aside, preconceptions aside, and live in the story. If the reader is satisfied with the story than the writer has done her work. Or his work. That's what I call my deal with my readers.

SMW: When you start a new story do you start with a character or a setting?
RD Larson: Neither. I start with a conversation that I either hear or imagine. Then I begin to wonder what happened after the words. What action occurred because of those words? That's the story or at least part of the story.

SMW: In your opinion, how is an author responsible to his or her reader?
RD Larson: A writer is either going to write for the reader or for himself. If he writes for himself, he may love his work. But he will be lonely. A story is meant to be shared. An author wants to tell about a piece of life, an accident or an event, where things went wrong, and what the character thought or desired or did. If the writer does it well then the reader will like it. If not ,the reader puts it away and forgets the writer's name.

SMW: What is your writing studio like?
RD Larson: It's a mess. Disks and paper, my dog, and files -- everything around but I know where every single thing is. So I don't mess with the mess.

SMW: Do you find it difficult to write during any particular seasons?
RD Larson: No, I write all four seasons, all year around, including holidays and weekends. A day without writing is a day without worth for me.

SMW: What are some of your favorite words?
RD Larson: Words like blithe, auspicious, bastard and squirm are a few of my favorite words. The other words I like start with l like livid, lost, levitated, lethal and love.

SMW: Do you study other languages?
RD Larson: Oh kind of. French and also some Latin. And dialects. It isn't good to write in dialects because it's too hard to read. I just sprinkle a word in here and there. My mother used the work "poke" to mean a bag. It's a southern word but I never have had the opportunity to use it in a story. Yet.

SMW: Why do you suppose you feel the need to write?

RD Larson: I am driven by unknown and unseen forces from distant and nearby galaxies and books that I've loved and readers that I have loved back and because I don't want to do anything else (much!) except write.

You can learn more about author RD Larson by visiting her website at: and her blog at: